during Graduate and Undergraduate Studies

Doctoral Candidate in Computer Science
Visual Computing Division, Digital Production Arts
Clemson University | School of Computing
* A brute force approach to placing Rooms within the given Graph. Uses overlaps() method to
* avoid overlapping Rooms (whereas the BSP approach avoids overlapping through binary space partitioning).
* @param aGraph A Graph to place Room objects within.
* @param maxPercentOfRooms An integer defining how much percent of the Graph the Rooms within it should occupy.
* (This number should be lower with using drunkard's walk for corridors than with random point connect for corridors.)
* @return An updated Graph with Rooms drawn.
public static Graph randomRoomPlacement(Graph aGraph, int maxPercentOfRooms)
Random randomGen = new Random();
Graph graph = aGraph;
int totalOnArea = 0;
int graphW = graph.getWidth();
int graphH = graph.getHeight();
int graphArea = graph.getArea();
int maxPercent = maxPercentOfRooms; // 40% as a MAX cutoff when doing random point connections later (rooms will usually make up less than this amount).
double onPercent = 0.0; // Drunkard's takes a 20% max room percentage. FINAL ratio of on-off Vertexs should be around 40-60.
ArrayList<Room> roomList = new ArrayList<Room>();
int cnt = 0;
while ((onPercent < maxPercent) && (cnt < 100))
int[] wh = generateRandomRoomSize(graphW, graphH);
int w = wh[0];
int h = wh[1];
// Generate random starting coords;
int x = randomGen.nextInt(graphW);
int y = randomGen.nextInt(graphH);
Room aRoom = new Room(x,y,w,h);
int count = 0;
while (count < 100)
{ // Generate new random starting coords and check overlaps again
x = randomGen.nextInt(graphW);
y = randomGen.nextInt(graphH);
aRoom = new Room(x,y,w,h);
if (!overlaps(aRoom, graph))
{ break; }
{ count ++; }
if (count < 100) // If exited from previous loop due to determining no overlaps
graph.updateRoomList(aRoom); // ISSUE: This used to cause overlapping as more dungeons are generated because the roomlist was static.
graph = drawRoom(aRoom, graph);
totalOnArea += w * h;
double onFloat = totalOnArea * 1.0;
onPercent = (onFloat / graphArea)*100;
cnt = 0; // Reset outer loop counter that keeps track of unsuccessful placements.
{ cnt ++; } // Counter for outer loop to keep track of unsuccessful placement.
//graph.setRoomList(roomList); // Instead of using Graph.updateRoomList() one room at a time. Works the same now that Graph.roomlist is not static.
return graph;
* Places Rooms in a Graph by using a Binary Space Partitioning tree (BSPTree) to
* split a Graph into subgraphs as BSPLeafs and fit Rooms into those Leaf objects.
* This approach handles overlapping prevention within the BSPTree.
* @param aGraph A Graph to place Room objects within.
* @return An updated Graph with Rooms drawn.
public static Graph BSP(Graph aGraph, int minLeafWModifier, int minLeafHModifier)
Graph graph = aGraph;
Random randGen = new Random();
int[] maxesAndMins = generateMinAndMaxRoomSizes(graph.getWidth(), graph.getHeight());
int maxWidth = maxesAndMins[1];
int maxHeight = maxesAndMins[3];
ArrayList<Room> roomList = new ArrayList<Room>();
BSPTree tree = new BSPTree(graph, maxWidth, maxHeight, minLeafWModifier, minLeafHModifier);
// ^ BSPTree constructor handles splitting automatically.
ArrayList<BSPLeaf> children = tree.getBottomChildrenList();
for (BSPLeaf child : children)
int[] randomSize = generateRandomRoomSize(graph.getWidth(), graph.getHeight());
int randX = randGen.nextInt(child.getWidth()-randomSize[0])+1;
int randY = randGen.nextInt(child.getHeight()-randomSize[1])+1;
// Random x and y coords according to whatever is left over in Leaf w and h, after Room width and height.
Room randomRoom = new Room(child.getX()+randX, child.getY()+randY, randomSize[0], randomSize[1]);
tree.getLeafLists(tree.getRoot()); // Re-evaluate children and parents lists since Rooms are now added.
for (Room room : roomList)
{ graph = drawRoom(room, graph); }
return graph;
* Brute force approach to connecting Rooms of a graph, two at a time. Calls
* pickRandomSidePoint twice to determine a Vertex on each Room to connect to each
* other, carving a corridor straight along the difference between the x-coordinates
* or the y-coordinates first (which is randomly decided), then along the other coordinate difference.
* @param aGraph The Graph containing the Rooms to connect.
* @return An updated Graph with the new corridors drawn.
public static Graph randomPointConnect(Graph aGraph)
Graph graph = aGraph;
ArrayList<Room> roomlist = graph.getRoomList();
Random randomGen = new Random();
Room room1;
Room room2;
int[] room1point;
int[] room2point;
int xDifference;
int yDifference;
int howToStart; // Randomly decide whether to start horizontally or vertically.
int x=0;
int y=0;
Vertex v;
for (int index=0; index<roomlist.size()-1; index++)
howToStart = randomGen.nextInt(2);
room1 = roomlist.get(index); // Connect consecutive pairs (which aren't necessarily beside
room2 = roomlist.get(index+1); // each other due to random room placement).
room1point = pickRandomSidePoint(graph, room1);
room2point = pickRandomSidePoint(graph, room2);
int room1x = room1point[0];
int room1y = room1point[1];
int room2x = room2point[0];
int room2y = room2point[1];
xDifference = room1x - room2x;
yDifference = room1y - room2y;
int xSign; // Use to determine whether to increment or decrement x-coordinate value.
if (xDifference < 0) // if room1 to the left of room2
xSign = 1;
xDifference *= -1;
else // if room1 to the right of room2
{ xSign = -1; }
int ySign; // Use to determine whether to increment or decrement y-coordinate value.
if (yDifference < 0) // if room1 above room2
{ ySign = 1; }
else // if room1 below right room2
{ ySign = -1; }
if (howToStart == 0) // Start in horizontal direction.
y = room1point[1];
for (int i=0; i<Math.abs(xDifference)+1; i++) // Increment or decrement x-coord starting at room1point going to room2point.
x = room1x + (i*xSign); // Draw horizontal part of corridor first.
v = graph.getAVertex(x, y);
for (int j=0; j<Math.abs(yDifference)+1; j++)
y = room1y + (j*ySign);
v = graph.getAVertex(x, y);
else // Start in vertical direction.
x = room1point[0];
for (int j=0; j<Math.abs(yDifference)+1; j++)
y = room1y + (j*ySign); // Draw vertical part of corridor first.
v = graph.getAVertex(x, y);
for (int i=0; i<Math.abs(xDifference)+1; i++)
x = room1x + (i*xSign);
v = graph.getAVertex(x, y);
return graph;
* Connects all Rooms in a given Graph, two at a time. Starting from the
* first room, moves horizontally or vertically 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 Vertexs
* at a time until reaching the second Room.
* @param aGraph The Graph containing the Rooms to connect.
* @return An updated Graph with the new corridors drawn.
public static Graph drunkardsWalk(Graph aGraph)
Graph drunkGraph = aGraph;
ArrayList<Room> drunkRoomList = drunkGraph.getRoomList();
Random randGen = new Random();
int drunkHeight = drunkGraph.getHeight();
int drunkWidth = drunkGraph.getWidth();
int youreDone = drunkGraph.getArea()/20;
Room room1;
Room room2;
int[] room1point;
int[] room2point;
int xDifference;
int yDifference;
Vertex v;
int x=0;
int y=0;
int steps = 0; //Helps to quantify drunkard's walk.
for (int index=0; index<drunkRoomList.size()-1; index++)
room1 = drunkRoomList.get(index); // Connect consecutive pairs (which aren't necessarily beside
room2 = drunkRoomList.get(index+1); // each other due to random room placement).
room1point = pickRandomSidePoint(drunkGraph, room1);
room2point = pickRandomSidePoint(drunkGraph, room2);
int room1x = room1point[0];
int room1y = room1point[1];
int room2xStart = room2.getX();
int room2xEnd = room2.getX() + room2.getWidth();
int room2yStart = room2.getY();
int room2yEnd = room2.getY() + room2.getHeight();
int room2x = room2point[0];
int room2y = room2point[1];
xDifference = room1x - room2x;
yDifference = room1y - room2y;
int xSign; // Use to determine which x direction to begin with.
if (xDifference < 0) // If room1 to the left of room2
{ xSign = 1; }
else // If room1 to the right of room2
{ xSign = -1; }
int ySign; // Use to determine which y direction to begin with.
if (yDifference < 0) // If room1 above room2
{ ySign = 1; }
else // If room1 below right room2
{ ySign = -1; }
x = room1point[0];
y = room1point[1];
steps = 0; //Clear steps for each pair of Rooms.
int lastXDelta = 0;
int lastYDelta = 0;
while (!((x > room2xStart+1 && x < room2xEnd-1) && (y > room2yStart+1 && y < room2yEnd-1)) && steps < youreDone) // If not anywhere in second Room.
lastXDelta = randGen.nextInt(5)+2; // Move by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 Vertexs each time.
lastYDelta = randGen.nextInt(5)+2;
if ((x+(xSign*lastXDelta)) > drunkWidth-2 || (x+(xSign*lastXDelta)) < 2) // If x too close to border, change x direction.
xSign *= -1;
if ((y+(ySign*lastYDelta)) > drunkHeight-2 || (y+(ySign*lastYDelta)) < 2) // If y too close to border, change y direction.
{ ySign *= -1; }
if ((y+(ySign*lastYDelta)) > drunkHeight-5 || (y+(ySign*lastYDelta)) < 5) // If y too close to border, change y direction.
ySign *= -1;
int whichDirection = randGen.nextInt(2);
if (whichDirection == 0) // Making a brief horizontal line.
for (int i=0; i<lastXDelta; i++)
x += xSign;
v = drunkGraph.getAVertex(x, y);
else // if (whichDirection == 1) // Making a brief vertical line.
for (int j=0; j<lastYDelta; j++)
y += ySign;
v = drunkGraph.getAVertex(x, y);
steps ++;
} // end while
//System.out.println("Steps: "+steps);
if (steps == youreDone) // If still haven't found other room
int xDist = x-room2xStart;
int yDist = y-room2yStart;
// Redetermine signs with these new points to connect.
if (xDist < 0)
{ xSign = 1; }
{ xSign = -1; }
if (yDist < 0)
{ ySign = 1; }
{ ySign = -1; }
for (int j=0; j<Math.abs(yDist)+1; j++)
y += ySign;
v = drunkGraph.getAVertex(x, y);
for (int yoo=0; yoo<Math.abs(xDist)+1; yoo++)
x += xSign;
v = drunkGraph.getAVertex(x,y);
return drunkGraph;
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Language: Java
Date: Fall 2015
Class: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
For this project, I defined a 2D video game dungeon as consisting of rectangular "rooms" and "corridors." I explored several different ways of generating rooms and corridors to form a dungeon, testing 5 pairs of a room-generating algorithm and a corridor-generating algorithm. Each pair had little difference from one another in algorithm efficiency and runtime, but the ratio between "on" (explorable, room or corridor) vertices and "off" vertices (unexplorable "walls") is different for each pair. This ratio varies according to the style of dungeon one wishes to generate. For example: Does one want a dungeon consisting of dense, winding corridors, or would he/she rather implement one with many adjacent rooms?
During the semester, I printed dungeon results to the console, where period characters represent "on" vertices and X's represent "off" vertices. After the class, I created a GUI in which the user can generate dungeons based off of the five algorithm pairs. The user can press the keyboard to move his/her character (the blue square) around the dungeon. Red "enemies" meander towards the blue character.
The code provided on this page consists of a couple of the main algorithms implemented for this project.
The PDF icon leads to a peer-reviewed conference paper for ACM-Southeast 2017. (It make take some time to load.)
Click on images to expand.

Screenshot of the GUI. In this algorithm pair, both rooms and corridors are generated with the brute force "random" algorithms.

Screenshot of the GUI. In this algorithm pair, the rooms are generated with the brute force "random" algorithm, and they are connected by "Drunkard's Walk"-inspired corridors.

Random - Drunkard's Room - Corridor pair printed to the console.