during Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
Doctoral Candidate in Computer Science
Visual Computing Division, Digital Production Arts
Clemson University | School of Computing
//For 2 joints and observing change in position, Jacobian is a 3x2 matrix (wrapped in a 4x4).
private Matrix4x4 makeJacobian()
Matrix4x4 jacobian =;
Vector3 temp;
temp = Vector3.Cross(rotAxis, posEnd-pos0);
jacobian.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z));
temp = Vector3.Cross(rotAxis, posEnd-pos1);
jacobian.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z));
return jacobian;
//Pseudoinverse(M) = inverse(transpose(M) * M) * transpose(M)
private Matrix4x4 pseudoinverse(Matrix4x4 M, ref bool isSingular)
Matrix4x4 M_pInv; //Pseudoinverse
Matrix4x4 transpose, prod, inv;
transpose = Matrix4x4.Transpose(M);
prod = transpose * M;
inv = invert2x2(prod, ref isSingular);
M_pInv = inv * transpose;
return M_pInv;
private void rotateJoints()
Vector3 angles, theta0, theta1;
Quaternion currJ0Rot, currJ1Rot;
goalVel = goal - posEnd; //End effector to goal
Debug.Log(string.Concat("Dist between goal and end effector = ", goalVel.magnitude));
angles = getAngleChanges();
currJ0Rot = joint0.transform.localRotation;
currJ1Rot = joint1.transform.localRotation;
theta0 = (rotAxis * angles.x) + currJ0Rot.eulerAngles; //Build up on the last local rotation.
theta1 = (rotAxis * angles.y) + currJ1Rot.eulerAngles;
joint0.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(theta0.x, theta0.y, theta0.z);
joint1.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(theta1.x, theta1.y, theta1.z);
getJointPositions(); //Update for next call.
goalVel = goal - posEnd;
//Returns a vector of the necessary changes in angles per joint (in degrees).
private Vector3 getAngleChanges()
Vector3 dTheta = new Vector3();
Matrix4x4 J, J_pInv;
bool isSingular = false;
J = makeJacobian();
J_pInv = pseudoinverse(J, ref isSingular); //Can be 0 matrix if not invertable (straight limb). If J is a 3x2 matrix, the pseudoinverse is a 2x3.
if (!isSingular)
dTheta = J_pInv.MultiplyPoint3x4(goalVel);
else //Use the Jacobian's transpose as the second best bet if the pseudoinverse can't be found.
dTheta = Matrix4x4.Transpose(J).MultiplyPoint3x4(goalVel);
Debug.Log(string.Concat("goal vel (x,y,z) = ", goalVel));
Debug.Log(string.Concat("Jacobian = ", J));
Debug.Log(string.Concat("Pseudoinverse = ", J_pInv));
Debug.Log(string.Concat("Transpose(J) = ", Matrix4x4.Transpose(J)));
Debug.Log(string.Concat("dTheta (multiplyPoint3x4) = ", J_pInv.MultiplyPoint3x4(goalVel)));
return dTheta;
Language: C# (using Unity3D)
Date: Spring 2018
Class: Technical Character Animation (Graduate)
I designed a simulation in the game engine Unity3D as an environment for implementing inverse kinematics on a simple skeleton.
The user can change the position of the hummingbird object along the world X- and Y-axis. When the user presses the 'i' key, a skeleton of 3 joints (including an end effector) rotates to reach the position nearest to the hummingbird within its reachable workspace; the hummingbird's position is the initial goal, and the smaller, transparent hummingbird represents the actual, reachable goal.
A GameManager script connects the Unity editor with the core functionality in code, including handling user input. The Skeleton script manages most of the logic and calculations, including the necessary linear algebra, some of which is provided in the code sample to the left. I implemented Jacobian, pseudoinverse, and 2x2 matrix inverse functions using the Unity API Matrix4x4 class as a wrapper for the 3x2, 2x3, and 3x3 matrices needed for a 2D inverse-kinematic problem with two joints and an end effector.